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OUGD503: Responsive - Individual Practice (femfresh Design Outcomes)


Design Outcomes:

My response:

The final concept I have settled on is an informative mailshot and 7 day trial of femfresh Daily intimate wash. 


Identifying the information for the concertina:

I looked over the brief again to identify some of the facts and figures that femfresh had given. I think I will use these facts to form the basis of my concertina as I am sure that these facts are correct and have come straight from femfresh. 

I want to include some vector illustrations to break up the information and make it more user friendly. Now I have identified the key information I need to mock up a concertina.

I think that four pages is a nice number and allows me to fit the design onto an A3 document and the point size will still be legible when printed. Though I do have enough information to warrant a few more pages I don't think the design would work at A3 scale. 

Concertina Illustrations:

Having looked through the information that I need to show on my concertina I have come up with the following illustrations to break up the large amount of text I will have. 

pH scale


Women in the UK

Star Rating

Other Soaps

First, second and third




Laying out the information:

Variation 1:

For the first crit on this brief I designed this version of the concertina. I did not include all of the illustrations because I didn't think they were needed. The publication detail some of the facts about the brand and also instructions for the trial. 

The front of the concertina has 2 pages taken up for the logo and title which left me with 2 pages without any information on it. I went to the femfresh website and found a 'tips for you' page. I thought this would be a good way to relate to the brand so I added it in. 

The crit on my work went well though people thought I needed more information about the brand and less tips as it was not necessary.

Variation 2:

Following on from my crit I have made a few changes to the layout of my concertina. I have added more illustrations to break up the new information and this has brought in more colour. 


Coming up with the logo imagery:

I have decided to use the female symbol on the cover of my publication because I think it has a serious tone and also looks very professional. I wanted to change the block colour symbol from variation 1 so I looked into to existing femfresh packaging for some inspiration to link to the brand. I have identified the 3 leaves on the femfresh Daily Intimate Wash and I think I could use it as a basis and create something to make the concertina more friendly. 

The leaf

Repeat pattern - one colour

Flower - 2 colour

3 flowers to mimic the 3 leaves on the bottle

Black line flower with centre

Coloured flowers incorporated with black line

Variation of the flowers

I have chosen to use the repeat pattern because, though flowers are more commonly associated with women, some women might not find flowers very appealing. 

Final logo:


Along with the concertina I am also creating a small pocket diary to be used as the trial goes on. I brainstormed the main features that the diary has to have in order to work with the pack. These things are:

Now that I know what is needed I can start to design the contents of the diary. I know that each day the layout needs to be the same in order to stay simple and consistent. The women need to give the product a rating out of 10 each day and also measure their level of irritation I also want to add a section for notes as the diary will be sent back to femfresh to see the results of the trial and the tick box answers will not be massively helpful to them. 

The content of the diary:

Using the same repeat pattern from the logo I have created the template for the diary. The cover is simple and clear which is consistent with the concertina, the explanation of the diary is very clear and even repeats some key features of the trial incase the woman does not have her full pack to refer to. The actual recording area also has a simple aesthetic, I wanted to make the diary very easy to fill out each day because women will not want to sit everyday and fill in a diary that takes any longer 5 minutes. 

Back of diary:

I used a friendly tone of voice throughout all of my response because I think that a formal tone is intimidating to women. I have referenced the femfresh website on the back of my diary because this is the main way I want women to submit their reviews of the product, I did this mainly to link back to the femfresh site as much possible.

I think that this variation is much more appealing than the first outcome I came up with because it is more friendly and has more structure. I will be taking it along to the next crit and hopefully the feedback will be positive.


Variation 2 Photographs:

Crit feedback:

Feedback from the crit was very positive and I am very happy with my outcome. I wanted to make sure that the physical design was on the right tracks before designing anything digital, as my digital response will mirror the print aspect. 


The App:

I am creating an App to work as the diary for women who are on the move and cannot write in a diary every day. I want the design to mirror the print resolution as much as possible to keep the consistency.

I started out by brainstorming all of the features that the App needed to have, most of these were the same as the print diary apart from the chat aspect. From my primary research I have noticed that women like to talk to other women who are going through similar issues, not that I see the trial as an issue but I want to give women the option to chat to each other whilst they are taking part in the trial for comfort and tips. 

Rough planning:


I have created some small vector icons to use along the bottom of the app as a form of navigation. I think that this uses the same principle as the illustrations in the concertina, it makes the content less dry and serious. 


First draft of the app:

Example of a profile

Showing the App in context:

By adding my artwork into a mock up of an iPhone I am able to see if the design looks professional or not. I think that the white background could be a little imposing but I am very happy with the layout otherwise. 

Website page mock up:

I am also creating an additional web page to go on the existing femfresh website. I want this page to be simple and to the point but it also has to fit in with the other web pages to ensure consistency.

I used a simple form format with a short question and answer series for women to answer. I wanted to make the page a quick and easy review, like the trial because women do not have time to spend a lot of time filling in a form. 


Evaluating the work I have done so far:

Having almost completed my femfresh response I am not fully happy with the result. I plan to look over the work I have come up with and evaluate it critically as if I had not designed it. 

I think that the concertina is too clinical and none inviting, I think the title needs to be altered to be something more self explanatory such as 'How to use this pack'. I want the concertina to be the main aspect of the pack and at the moment women will be confused as to what they need to read first. 

I am also unhappy with the App as it looks rushed and the white background does not fit in with other App's on the same level. I think that my work needs some changes and luckily I have the time to make these changes before the deadline. 


Final changes:

Working on a new cover:

I have decided that the symbol for the female is too clinical and not friendly enough for the trial. I also do not like the 3 flower leaf idea anymore either as it is not clear that the design is inspired by femfresh packaging. Staying with the theme of femfresh packaging I have found another bottle with an image of a flower bud opening and I want to experiment with a logo in this style.


Logo experiments:

Using the same concept of the flower leaf I have created 4 variations of the bud opening to choose from. 2 of the designs are simple vector images and 2 others have a brush applied to them. 

Personally I prefer the third option as it is not too busy but it looks hand drawn and delicate. 

I also played around with creating one large flower out of the design but I think that this is too over powering and will only work for print purposes in the background of the diary and concertina. 


The sachets:

I created a simple net for the sachets as I could not find any real sachets to buy on the internet. These are simply for photographing purposes and would be updated if my design were to be selected. 


The envelope:

I know that my mailshot will need to be sent in an envelope but I am unsure whether this needs to be a heavy duty envelope or a standard DL enevelope. I have put together some net designs of a possible envelope for my pack to be contained within. 

I want the envelope to be a subtle as possible so to avoid any embarrassment from the target audience. This then means that I cannot have the femfresh logo printed onto my envelope. I need to think of another way to represent the brand without using the logo. 

Testing envelopes:

I made some rough mock ups of the envelopes I had drawn the nets for. 

I think that using a blue envelope will tie in nicely with the brand and will also be eye-catching in a pile of letters. 


Revised Print Outcomes


Final Diary designs:

Using the final logo to add a background to each page ensures that the friendly tone of voice is kept. I also want the design to relate to the target audience and not be too clinical. 


Final App designs:

I haven't changed much on the final App design other than re-design some of the pages to fit in with the current IOS7 on an iPhone 5. I think that the circular buttons on the calendar page look much more professional and also work best for a phone instead of bulky squares. The circle is much more friendly than a harsh square also which reflects the tone of voice I want to achieve. 


 Profile page:

Information page 1

Information page 2

Information page 3


Each day


At ease page



Final web page design:


Final Products and Photography



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