- USA is the highest buyer of coffee
- Finland is the largest consumer of coffee
- 40 coffee beans = one shot
- Caffeine was developed by coffee plants to stop insects feeding off them
- The world consumes 300 tons of coffee per day = 1 cup for each man, woman and child
- Coffee will only grow between the tropic of cancer and the tropic of capricorn - Coffee Belt
- USA has one state in the coffee belt (Hawaii) so it does not have to import all of their coffee
- Finland, Denmark, Netherlands, Iceland and Norway import 100% of their coffee
- People have developed coffee art
We had to identify which of our interesting points were facts and which were opinions.
- My list is made up entirely of facts.
As a group, we identified the methods which we used to collect our information :
- Reading Books
- Watching Videos
- Talking to people
- Looking at images
- Searching the internet.
- Emailed the subject
What source material did we gather from this research?
- Images of cheese
- Images of coffee advertising
- Images of Vivienne Westwood
- Drawings of dresses
- Videos about coffee
As an entire group -
- Quotes
- Dates
- Printed images
- Scanned images
- Blogged images
- Interviews
- Articles
- Photocopies
- Practical Experiments
- Practical Observations
- Screen Shots
- Observational Notes
- Written quotes
- Clips
- Emails
- Audio
Things that affect the way we research :
- Reliability of sources
- Geographical Restraints
- Legal Restraints
- Limited Time
- Too much time
- Insufficient funds/Costs
- Dead People/Past Events
- Lack of motivation
- Lack of interest
- Outside limitations
- Co-operation
- Lack of prior knowledge
How to address these limitations:
- Budgeting
- Find out people who have been there
- Send emails to people who have been there
- Appropriate travel
- Google maps - visual source
- Time management
- Priorities
- Schedule
- Planning
- Confidence
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