Produce designs for a set of three high impact posters that deliver a personal identified message derived from your research.
The three posters should work as a set or series and be visually consistent. The first must be produced solely using type, the second solely with image and the third a combination of both type and image.
I carried out my research into domestic violence and the stereotypical imagery related to it. I looked into stereotypes as a whole subject whilst also focusing on stereotypes within domestic violence. I found that it is more commonly made public from a woman's point of view rather than from a mans perspective. I have to write a statement from my research and produce graphic work to communicate it.
I have chosen to produce my posters with simple facts and figures from my research. I am mainly going to focus on the number of deaths that are a direct result of domestic violence.
I have tried out this design as I like how simple it is. For this particular brief I have been drawn to info graphics. I like this idea because I think it will be the best way to communicate my statement. The brief, however, states that these posters should be simple. Therefore, I have chosen to use the principle of an info graphic in its simplest form. I have stuck to the generic colours for male and females; blue and pink.
When it came time to choose a font I decided to stick to a simple sans serif typeface. Impact I think is very modern and fits well with this brief. I want my designs to be very simple and to convey a message straight away. As this is such a touchy subject I think the basic facts should be shown in an interesting way which all ages will be able to understand.
I quite like this idea though I do think it would be hard for people to identify what the poster is about without the words 'domestic violence' I will have to consider this factor and try to overcome it whilst maintaing the simplicity of my designs.
I chose to experiment with different colours after asking someone what they thought the poster was illustrating. The person I asked knew what my research was about so they already had an idea of what I was trying to communicate, they told me that the colours didn't not go well with the concept and to try darker colours which connote violence. I tried this with red and black but I do think that the image doesn't work and needs revising.
One topic I looked into during my research was stereotypes. I thought I would explore this further. I drew out 3 images which were stereotypically associated with women and 3 for men. I chose an Apron, Briefcase and a Bra for women as I like they are either represented as a housewife, business woman or sex symbol. I chose a Tie, Gun and a Hoodie for men as it is common for them to been represented as a businessman, soldier in the army or a thug. These generic images would have worked really well for trying to communicate that men and women are stereotypically represented in the media.
The Statistics behind domestic violence is shocking, I think that one of the best ways to get my message across is to shock the audience. This results in the tone of voice being very serious and quite formal. As I am aspiring for a strong, hard-hitting statement I need to maintain the simplicity that is shown in other ad campaigns. I think I will experiment with how my designs look in context (billboards, bus stops etc.)
I like this idea as I think it is simple and to the point which is the most effective way to convey a statement. The font I chose was Impact as I think it works well within the space and is strong and will stand out.
I struggled with the image side of this statement as the number of women took too much room on the page, I do like this idea as it reminds me of info graphics. I think to use this style will need to use a smaller statement.
Type and Image
Trying to merge type and image together from two separate images is quite hard. I found that I didn't want to use lots of imagery to keep my designs simple and to the point.
I found another statement from BBC news website which would work more effectively.
Symbol for domestic violence
I have found it quite hard to convey domestic violence through an image. I had the idea of using a fist but I think with the rest of my image it does not work as well.
Does it say domestic violence?
I began to question whether the fist conveyed domestic violence. One of the main points in the brief was that each poster must stand alone and still communicate the right message. After asking some people from my course and some others I felt confident that this symbol communicated the right message.
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