As my website is aimed at young children I decided to test it out on my 8 year old cousin. I put him on the homepage and left him to navigate it himself. He looked at the homepage and understood what the purpose of the site was and clicked on the buttons within the navigation to look at the rest of the site. My history page needed a scroll bar adding which he noticed straight away, he had no problem reading any of the information on the page and responded well to the horizontal grid instead of reading it vertically. As he clicked on the inspiration page he became more interested as it had links to other pages which made it more interactive. The final page is more child orientated with the colour scheme I had chosen, he found this page the most interesting and wished that the games option had worked. I explained that I did not have the skills to be able to add games to the website, I directed him to the Make Things Do Stuff website which was designed by Numiko. I explained that had I had the skills I would have made the page very much like that website. He really enjoyed playing around on the website and included his younger brother within it. Overall, my website went down really well which was a relief.
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